Grafted in

This is my baby girl olive. She is 5 years old. She had a sad beginning but you know what? It lead her to our family💕

We drove to Bakersfield when she was only 8 weeks old to adopt her. She was rescued from a terrible back yard breeder. He said she was “damaged” and released her to the rescue group.

By damaged he was referring to her left ear which was severed by her mother accidentally.

The breeder had her mother cooped up in a small kennel the morning of olives birth on a very cold October morning. Three of her siblings somehow moved out of the cage that morning and olives mother did everything she could to save them. They did not survive because of the cold.

Olives ear was cut in the process because her mom was trying to claw her way out of the cage to get to her babies.

Olives beginning was sad but God restored her. She may have lost an ear but she gained a family that adores her. And she would have most likely been bought by a very nice family had she not been injured but I’m so thankful for all the heart lessons God has used her to teach me.

Even if we are wounded or have suffered loss, He has a beautiful story of restoration ahead.

Someone needs you as much as you need them.

There is always hope.

You can be grafted into any family through love.

Some may label us as “damaged”, but Those that are most important say we are more than enough.

I remember the moment I saw olive on an adoption site. She was so little and at first I didn’t even notice her ear was missing. Most people don’t. I saw her and I felt the lord pull on my heart.

Funny to think that God would talk to you about a Dog but He’ll use anything to get our attention. He’s always talking.

I felt he wanted us to adopt her and name her olive. Olive is short for olive branch. There is a story that describes how we as Gentiles have been grafted in like a “wild olive branch” and we now have access to God’s promises. (Romans chapter 11) .

It all seemed a bit far from reach and I only shared what I felt the Holy Spirit was speaking to me to Bryan.

We set out to adopt her on December 28th 2012.. we drove 6+ hours to where she was living. All I had was an address.

We arrived to Bakersfield and It was my first time there.
Do you know what the main road leading to her neighborhood was called????
Olive Branch road?!!! What?!
My heart lept. I had herd from God. We took the left as directed by our map and you know what we saw?!
A HUGE church titled “Olive Branch Church”! And to top it off there was a rainbow off in the distance behind the church. ( rainbows are a sign of Gods promises!)
OK. It was clear. We were exactly where we were meant to be in this little pup was ours. Not because she was cute. But because God had divinely planned for HER to be grafted into her family.
Chosen on purpose
Damaged? Nope. Injured? Yes. But beautifully ours.
So if you feel Damaged, tossed aside, unwanted even. Know that the God of all creation has an extraordinary plan for you. He loves you and you my friend have been chosen on purpose z created for a purpose and He longs to graft you into His family 💕


The best new response!

Learning, growing and blooming! Always always đŸ‘đŸŒđŸ™ŒđŸŒđŸŒ±đŸŒżđŸ’đŸŒ»đŸŒŒđŸŒžđŸŒș
Recently I have fallen in love with learning how to say “I don’t know?” Anyone else?! It’s one of my favorite responses now.
“I don’t know?”

This answer usually highlights an area I need to grow in or learn more about. More powerfully it can release me from the responsibility of needing to have the answer. It allows a pause in any given situation. In a culture of “I want it now” the “I don’t know” answer slows things down long enough for us to think before we speak. Anyone else guilty of speaking before thinking?

Sometimes no response is us agreeing silently, an “I don’t know” vocalizes our uncertainty but neither places in agreement or disagreement. It says “I don’t have to be right” and “I do not need to have all the answers”.

Friends! Their is freedom in the “I don’t know”. Try it. I think you’ll like it



Look for the evidence

Look for the evidence mamas.

They may scream and cry and possibly hit or throw things. They may not litsten and glare at you. The days get cloudy sometimes but look for the evidence of truth.

You may find it in a smile, a giggle, a hug or a gentle “mommy you ok?” As you bury your head in your hands with tears streaming down your face. Look for the evidence that says your doing a good job. Look for the evidence that says your more than enough. Look for the evidence that says you are a good mom. Not perfect. But good.

Look for it friend. The evidence is there. I am sure of it. Today I’m looking for it and I found it in his smile and his snotty nose which he affectionately rubbed on my cheek because he wanted to be close.




|Stay at home Mama to three busy boys|

My destiny in three little piles

Just gushing over these little piles of cloths. Who knew I’d be a mommy to three little men? Not I. But God knew. I’m sure he laughed when my high school self declared “no way, I do not want children.”…then I imagine He smiled when my heart changed to, “Well, maybe if* I meet the right guy.” And then I imagine he nodded his head in approval He knit my heart to Bryan’s.

And then he waited.

God is never in a hurry and He is crazy patient. If you want to know His heart and His plan for you He’s a gentleman. He won’t force you. But if you ask Him. If you seek Him He is so incredibly faithful to talk to you and show you what He’s got for you. And when we listen. When we go where He wants us to go, do what He wants is to do, be who He wants us to be. Well, you just might find yourself to be a mommy of three. That’s what happened to me. His plan is so so good. More extravagant than I could have ever imagined. And the best is still to come. 277CCF8F-AEFA-43E3-8441-B27B92CA49C6

The redbuds are blooming

I miss you today. Today would’ve been the perfect day to take you on a drive. Grief is a difficult emotion. It’s sneaky. Some days it takes your breath away when you are least expecting it.

Like today.

Redbuds were one of your favorites. Driving on the freeway and I saw a redbud tree in the distance blooming. Beautiful with a purple hue. I never understood why it’s called a redbud. And in an instant I saw you flash before my eyes sitting next to me in the car waving your hand in front of me slapping my arm excitingly declaring “the red bugs are blooming! look! The redbuds are blooming!” With great joy on your face I laugh as you block my vision of the road I pushed your hand away and laugh and reply back “Yes I see them, they’re beautiful.”

I miss you today. I wish you were here. Grief is hard. But I’m so thankful it’s a feeling I get to feel. I’m thankful because it means that I was loved and that I loved deeply. I miss you so much. You would’ve loved today. Beautiful puffy clouds. The sunshine. It’s a perfect spring day.

I can’t wait to see you again one day. I imagine your mansion will be surrounded by red buds. Until heaven nana. Until heaven.
